This is the narrow centre of a natural landbridge, called the Frontenac Arch, which stretches from the Canadian Shield to the Appalachian mountains in USA. And here in the Thousand Islands the Great Lakes and this watershed’s tributaries become the St. Lawrence River and flow across the Frontenac Arch to begin their seaward race. This is nature’s ‘crossroads of the continent’, an intersection of migration routes where five forest regions meet and intermingle. The 1000 Islands are stepping-stones for species to hop-skip across the river. Species that normally would not coexist, can thrive here.
The Thousand Islands watershed is a natural treasure chest, overflowing with communities of plants and animals like no other place.
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Plant and animal migrations and ranges are being distorted in North America by a rapidly changing climate.
For plants and animals trying to reach further north, or south, the Great Lakes are a barrier to the west of the Thousand Islands, and the highly developed lands are barriers to the east.
Conserving habitat at this migration route crossroads – a natural funnel across the St. Lawrence – is vital to our own continued pursuit of life here and enjoyment of all that makes it so special. If you enjoy the life that this area provides, please support TIWLT by becoming a member now.