Gymnocladus dioicus


Kentucky Coffee Tree is listed as a “threatened” species in Ontario under the Endangered Species Act as a result of limited suitable habitat and poor seed production/dispersal. This is a large tree that can grow up to 15-25 m in height. The leaves can grow to 60-90 cm and are the largest in Canada. The leaves are twice compound with about 70 bluish-green leaflets. In May-June, the greenish-white flowers bloom and give off a rose-like fragrance. The fruit is a bean shaped pod that is brown and leathery when mature and contains 4-7 seeds.

Kentucky Coffee tree thrives in full sunlight and is intolerant of shade. It prefers a moist, rich soil, but will also grow in shallow, rocky or sandy soils. It is tolerant of both drought and occasional flooding and is often found growing on flood plains.